Timman Bagila
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Rice mixed with Broad beans, dill and served with chicken or fish is a popular dish in Iraq (Timman Bagila) and Iran (Baghali Polo).

Timman Bagila on tiered rack
Timman Bagila on tiered rack

The dish can be cooked entirely in the Artisan Tandoor Hunter, Aladdin and Ataman ovens. The wood-fire delivers a rich and succulent Chicken with delicious tasting rice.


  • 1 Whole Chicken
  • 1 Bunch Dill
  • Frozen 500g Broad beans
  • 2 1/2 Cup Basmati Rice
  • Salt
  • Black Pepper
  • Paprika
  • Garlic Powder
  • Oil
  • Turmeric


Cooked and ready for serving!
Cooked and ready for serving!
  1. Make shallow cuts across the Chicken and cut into quarters.
  2. Marinade the Chicken with salt, black Pepper, Paprika, Garlic powder, Turmeric and oil. Mix well.
  3. Soak the rice in cold water for 20 minutes.
  4. Remove the outer skin of the Broad beans.
  5. Chop the dill finely.
  6. After soaking for 20 minutes, rinse the riced.
  7. Add the dill and Broad-beans to the rice, add salt and 4 tbsp of oil (of your choice). Mix well and add water till the rice is covered with a gap of 5cm to the top.
    Timman Bagila
    Timman Bagila served!
  8. Add the Chicken to the top two tiers of the tiered rack included with the Artisan Tandoor oven.
  9. Add the pot with rice to the bottom tier.
  10. Place the tiered rack in the Tandoor oven. Rice will cook after approximately 20 minutes. Remove the rice and allow the Chicken to continue cooking for another 20 minutes, add rice back to bottom tier to reheat for another 5 minutes with the Chicken remaining on top two tiers.. Total cooking time 45-50 minutes.


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